Welcome to our Site!

Band Picture

We are musicians, performers, and songwriters. We hope you enjoy the songs, videos and photos found at this website and you are able to get to know us better.

Jonathan Lawson - Tenor/Soprano/Alto Sax
Ryan Taylor - Piano
Evan Rindler - Drums
Patrick Fowler - Bass/Guitar
David Udwin - Guitar
Burak Demir - Percussion/Bass/Keyboard/Vocals
Matt Rosenfeld - Alto/Tenor Sax

3 AM Groove
You’re on a bus
Heading for Nashville
Its pitch black outside
A little later you wake up
The bus stopped for gas
You’re in a small town in Virginia
To the left is a truck
To the right, another truck
The town has a gas station and a motel
The bus leaves but you can’t sleep
You look at your watch
It’s 3 AM
You pull out your phone and go to the radio app
A nice smooth song comes on
While the night passes by
You're in a ‘3 AM Groove’

3 am groove slideshow